Tuesday 5 November 2013

My new pal

A few days before I left to go see the world for several months, I was lucky enough to score this straight out of the 90's, still in the box, 636 Closeup Polaroid Camera for free (and by 'score' I mean; rescue it from the non- sentimental hands of my girlfriend's family who had the iniquitous intent to throw it out). It was one of those days where the universe was good to me and provided what I had been lurking eBay and other recesses of the internet to find. Now if the universe could provide copious amounts of film that would be great.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Just don't call it Frisco

First of all, let me apologize for so thoroughly neglecting this blog lately. I have only recently returned from spending the last five months travelling around, briefly stopping in Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy) then killing most of my time around Canada and the US. I barely considered one blanket post to cover the happenings of the last 5 months, but I figured is no way I could do the trip justice that way. Instead; here are some photos of my last few days abroad spent in San Francisco, California.  SF was definitely one of the highlights of my trip, the people and the city are equally dope (pun intended), I can't wait to hit up the east coast again.

I'll be posting more about my trip over the next few weeks so keep an eye out.

Friday 5 April 2013


Spending this dreary autumn Saturday at a rose nursery with a phat knit and some cliché design. 

Monday 25 February 2013

Shmancy Dress

Taken at the Fringe Bar  in Paddington on Friday 22.2.13

Wednesday 20 February 2013

White All Night

Just a couple of snaps from the weekend.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Swedish House Mafia- One Last Tour

Through a series of fortunate events I managed to score a couple of last minute tickets to Swedish House Mafia’s ‘One Last Tour’ show in Sydney on Saturday night. Though I’ll be the first to admit I’m not Swedish House Mafia’s #1 fan, I have this thing about not turning down free anything- Especially when said ‘anything’ was VIP tickets to view the show from Sydney Showground’s Rawson room, sponsored by Absolut Vodka (which naturally meant a night of free Vodka). Absolut Greyhound, you were good to me.bsolut ty humble guy, but that little green wrist band can really go to your head (or maybe that was the free greyhounds